
I checked my security settings on facebook and I am satisfied that I have an acceptable balance of visibility and privacy.  However I have made a change to who can see my fb friends - so that only prople I am already fb friends with can see this.  I reckon there is no need for anyone who is not my"friend" to see this and provides a bit of protection from phishing or nosey parkers who may not be friends at all.

Sarah Smith has been indiscreet and possibly naive, by displaying personal views on her facebook page which conflict with her role as a carer and the values and principles she is required to uphold under the SSSC codes of practice - and she also risks bringing the organisation she works for into disrepute.  Britain First is a far right organisation with a track record of posting inoccuous or harmless looking ads to gain followers.  However annoyed she is with her colleagues, managers, or clients, even if justifiably so, she should never post criticism or personal opinions about them on a public forum like her facebook page - even with privacy settings on - and risks disciplinary action and possibly dismissal by doing so.  Most organisations, including my own, have clear social media guidance within their codes of conduct, and seek to promote its responsible use by social work and social care workers.

FB groups.... after a lovely class of 94 reunion in a barn in the Lake District, I set up a facebook group in 2017 to help us coordinate a monthly meet-up for a hike.  The group is closed, but all members are allowed to add friends and family who would like to join us.  We have a great collection on there of our walking pics and discussions and plans for everything from social history walks to 5 day treks.  The group has enabed us to stay in touch and develop our shared interest in fresh air and walking with no ads or interference by facebook.   Marvellous!  I should add that we are now using whatsapp as well which is actually a bit quicker and more convenient for messaging - and may eventually replace the fb group :)


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