Open Badges

Open Badges can be collected, stored, and shared online, providing evidence of self-directed learning in a format that is recognised across the world.  Open badges store meta data which provide evidence of the learning undertaken, with links to specific data and work carried out in order to achieve the badge. 

It appears that much (or all?) of the material available for earning badges on the web is free, and therefore highly accessible, with 24 hour access from work, home or elsewhere.

Open badges enable people to undertake self directed learning of their choice, and also enables employers and organisations to provide learning materials and distribute them widely within and outside their organisations.  The internationally agreed format for sharing and displaying badges provides a powerful motivation for people to invest in continuous learning, with their efforts recorded and stored to use and share for career development purposes.  Moreover open badges potentially have great personal value, as a prompt and reminder of previous learning which might otherwise be forgotten over time.


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