
Showing posts from January, 2018

Learning about Blogging

There is so much information we need to do our jobs effectively.  How then can this be disseminated in a way that makes sense and is of value?  How can it be presented in a way that is accessible and speaks to the people it is aimed at? When I started in this line of work, nobody had a mobile phone, and there was no IT system.  Typing was carried out by an admin pool and woe-betide anyone who typed up their own stuff - the union would have been on it and that would have been that. IT and mobile technology have revolutionised the way we work, but still we are sometime slaves to the machines that should be serving us.  It's time we took control! So today at work, we were talking about performance, and how evidencing performance has to be more than production of stats (and who would disagree with that?).  I started thinking about this blog, and about how digital technology might be harnessed to enable my tier of the organisation, or my team, or one of the int...

Team Building

The Team has been through a major re-structure over the last 18 months.  This has been an intensely difficult process for all affected, and just over a year since we came into being in our new format, on 5 December 2016, the dust is still settling. As a Team Leader, I feel battered and bruised, and responsible, but also optimistic for the future. My ability to lead through such a complex process has been, is being, tested, and I have not  achieved all the goals set for me or by me during this time.  However, I have played a significant part in gaining some small and not so small victories and steps forward, albeit with some compromises thrown in.  I am proud of the journey we've travelled so far, and very grateful to be working alongside such resilient, resourceful people, who are minded to lead and support each other, and who are so committed to their clients and to doing a great job. We look and feel very different from how we started out.  Some people hav...